السبت ، ١٨ رجب ، ١٤٤٦ هجري | 18 يناير 2025 ميلادي
Do you want a home in heaven / هل تريد بيتاً في الجنة
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 We care about building homes for ourselves in this world, we dream about them, and we work day and night to build them.
We live there for a few days

Do you want a home in heaven
Written by
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Hafnawi Al-Ansari.
 We care about building homes for ourselves in this world, we dream about them, and we work day and night to build them.
We live there for a few days
Have we ever thought about building a house in heaven in which we can live forever and ever?
Specific reasons for obtaining a home in Paradise.
 How easy and easy it is for the one for whom God makes it easy and easy for him
Closing the gap in prayer rows:
 He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:
(Whoever closes his gap, God will build a house for him in Paradise and raise him one degree therein)
Correct series
Visiting the sick and visiting a brother in God:
 He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: (Whoever visits a sick person or visits a brother of his in God, a herald will call him: May you be blessed, may your walk be blessed, and may you obtain a position in Paradise.)
Sahih Al-Jami’
Performance of salaries:
 He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:
(There is no Muslim servant who performs ablution and performs it well, then prays to God every day twelve rak’ahs voluntarily, not obligatory, except that God will build a house for him in Paradise.)
Sahih Al-Jami’
Building mosques sincerely to God:
He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:
(Whoever builds a mosque without intending to show off or gain reputation, God will build for him a house in Paradise)
True enticement and intimidation
Reciting Surat Al-Ikhlas ten times:
He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:
(Whoever recites {Say: He is God One} ten times, God will build a house for him in Paradise)
Sahih Al-Jami’
Mention of the market supplication:
 He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:
(Whoever enters the market and says: There is no god but God alone, with no partner. To Him belongs dominion and to Him is praise. He gives life and causes death, and He is alive and does not die. In His hand is good, and He is capable of all things.) God wrote for him a thousand thousand good deeds, erased from him a thousand thousand bad deeds, and raised him a thousand thousand degrees. And he built a house for him in Paradise.)
Sahih Ibn Majah
Have good manners and avoid hypocrisy and lying
 He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:
(I guarantee a house in the outskirts of Paradise for the one who abandons quarreling, even if he is right, and a house in the middle of Paradise for the one who abandons lying, even if he is joking, and a house at the top of Paradise for the one who has good character.)
True enticement and intimidation
And he, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:
(I am the leader of whoever believes in me, converts to Islam, and emigrates, to a house in the outskirts of Paradise, a house in the middle of Paradise, and a house in the highest rooms of Paradise, and I am the leader of whoever believes in me, converts to Islam, and strives in the cause of God, to a house in the outskirts of Paradise, a house in the middle of Paradise, and a house in the highest rooms of Paradise, so whoever does that will not He leaves no pursuit of goodness and no escape from evil. He dies wherever he wishes to die.)
Sahih Al-Jami’
Praise and recovery when a child is lost:
He, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:
(If a man’s child dies, God Almighty says to the angels: Have you captured the child of My servant? They say: Yes. Then He says: Have you captured the fruit of his heart? They say: Yes. Then God Almighty says: So what did My servant say? He said: He praised You and was restored. Then He says: Build for My servant a house in Paradise and call it the House of Praise.)
The correct series
Dhuha prayer is four times and four times before noon:
PBUH" said:
(Whoever prays the forenoon prayer four times and before the first four times, a house will be built for him in Paradise.)
 Oh God, we ask you for Paradise and the words and deeds that bring us closer to it.
Oh God, we ask you for the highest paradise in heaven. Amen amen amen ..