الجمعة ، ٧ رمضان ، ١٤٤٦ هجري | 07 مارس 2025 ميلادي
The husband’s rights over his wife in Islam / حق الزوج على زوجته في الإسلام
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Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, his companions, and those who follow him, and after:
Divorce rates have increased in this era, especially in the first year of marriage, and the main reason for this is the wife’s compound ignorance of the husband’s rights.
She treats him with hostility, stubbornness, and abuse, raising her voice at him, and being rude to him, especially if she does not have an elder man in her family that she is afraid of...

The husband’s rights over his wife in Islam
Arrangement and coordination:
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Hafnawi Al-Ansari.
Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of God, his family, his companions, and those who follow him, and after:
Divorce rates have increased in this era, especially in the first year of marriage, and the main reason for this is the wife’s compound ignorance of the husband’s rights.
She treats him with hostility, stubbornness, and abuse, raising her voice at him, and being rude to him, especially if she does not have an elder man in her family that she is afraid of...
This is a bitter reality experienced by Muslim homes in the east and west of the earth at this time.
I receive calls almost daily, husbands asking for help from their wives, and asking me for solutions for these stubborn wives who disbelieve their partners...
As a contribution on my part to repairing these houses, and an attempt on my part to repair these cracks in the walls of the houses, I compiled and arranged this article, and I have no significant hand in it except the collection, arrangement, and some additions from my words out of scientific honesty, so I wrote this introduction and conclusion for it, and I leave you to enjoy. By reading this article:
Right linguistically: right - right: the due share of an individual or group. The plural: rights and rights. And the rights of God: what we are obligated to do. And the rights of the house: its facilities. The Intermediate Dictionary.
Husband is the language of the husband - a pair:: each one with another of his gender. The form has an opposite, such as wet and dry, male and female. The husband is the husband of the woman.
And in the Holy Revelation: Surat Hud, verse 40 (We said, “Get pregnant therein from every couple, two.”) Intermediate dictionary
The right of the husband, technically:
It is a term that indicates the husband’s rights over his wife in Islam, and the husband’s rights over the wife are among the greatest rights. In fact, his right over her is greater than her right over him, according to the words of God Almighty: “And divorced women shall wait for themselves for three days, and it is not lawful for them to conceal what God has created in them.” their wombs, if they believe in God And the Last Day, and their husbands have the right to return them in that if they want to make amends, and they have the same status as those over them, with justice, and the men have a degree over them, and by God He is Mighty, Wise. 228 Surah Al-Baqarah
Husband's rights
The rights of the husband over the wife include:
Al-Jassas said in the previous verse: God Almighty told in this verse that each of the spouses has a right over his partner, and that the husband is entitled to a right that he has over her that she does not have over him.
Ibn al-Arabi also said: This stipulates that he is preferred over her in terms of marriage rights over her.
1 - The obligation of obedience without disobedience to God
God made the man the guardian of the woman by command, guidance, and care, just as guardians of the subjects are governed by the physical and mental characteristics that God bestowed upon the man, and by the financial duties He has imposed on him.
God Almighty said: “Men are the guardians of women because God has favored some of them over others, and because of what they spend of their wealth. So the righteous women are content, guarding the unseen May God protect those whose disobedience you fear, admonish them, and leave them in their beds, and beat them; but if they obey you, do not seek a way against them. Indeed, it is God Ali, the Great, 34} Surah An-Nisa
Ibn Kathir said: Ali bin Abi Talha said on the authority of Ibn Abbas {Men are guardians of women} meaning: their rulers, meaning: she obeys him in what God has commanded her to do of obeying him, and her obedience to him is to be (a doer of good to his family and a guardian of his wealth).
And so said Muqatil, Al-Sadi and Al-Dahhak. “Tafsir Ibn Kathir” (1/492).
Enable the husband to enjoy
It is the husband’s right over his wife to enable him to enjoy sexual intercourse. If he marries a woman and she is capable of intercourse, she must surrender herself to him through the contract if he asks. This means that he gives her her immediate dowry and gives her a period of time according to custom to fix her affairs, such as two or three days if she requests that because it is her need, and because that is easy, it is customary to do the same.
If the wife refuses to respond to her husband in intercourse, she will commit the forbidden act and commit a major sin, unless she is excused with a legal excuse such as menstruation, obligatory fasting, illness, and the like.
On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “If a man invites his wife to his bed and she refuses, and then spends the night angry with her, the angels curse her until morning.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari (3065) and Muslim (1436).
Not allowing anyone whom the husband dislikes to enter
The husband has the right over his wife not to allow anyone he hates to enter his house.
On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “It is not permissible for a woman to fast while her husband is a witness except with his permission, and she should not call the call to prayer in his house except with his permission...” Narrated by Al-Bukhari (4899) and Muslim (1026).
On the authority of Suleiman bin Amr bin Al-Ahwas, my father told me that he witnessed the farewell pilgrimage with the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, and he thanked God and praised Him, mentioned and preached, then said: Treat women well, for they are helpless among you. You do not have the right to do anything other than that unless they commit a clear indecency. If they do, then leave them in their beds and beat them severely. If they obey you, do not seek a way against them. Indeed, you have a right over your women, and your women have a right over you. As for your right over your women, that those you hate should not enter your beds, and those you hate should not enter your homes. Their right over you is that you should be kind to them in their clothing and food.
Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi (1163) and said: This is a good and authentic hadith, and by Ibn Majah (1851).
On the authority of Jabir, he said: He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “So fear God regarding women, for you have taken them with God’s trust and have made their private parts permissible with the word of God. You have a duty on them not to put on your bed anyone whom you hate. If they do that, then beat them with a blow not severely, and you have the right to provide for them and clothe them with justice.” Narrated by Muslim (1218).
4- Do not leave the house except with the husband’s permission
The husband has the right over his wife not to leave the house without his permission.
The Shafi’is and Hanbalis said: She does not have the right to go out to visit her sick father except with her husband’s permission, and he has the right to prevent her from doing so..; Because obedience to the husband is obligatory, it is not permissible to neglect an obligation for something that is not an obligation.
5- Discipline
The husband has the right to discipline his wife when she disobeys his command with kindness, not with disobedience. Because God Almighty ordered women to be disciplined by abandoning and beating them when they do not obey them.
The Hanafi school of thought mentioned four situations in which it is permissible for a husband to discipline his wife by beating: A_: abandoning adornment if he wants adornment.
B_: He refrained from answering if he invited her to bed while she was pure.
A_: Leaving prayer.
D_: Leaving the house without his permission.
Evidence of the permissibility of discipline
God Almighty says: “Men are the guardians of women, because God has favored some of them over others, and because they spend of their wealth. So the righteous are obedient, guarding the unseen May God protect those whose disobedience you fear, admonish them, and leave them in their beds, and beat them; but if they obey you, do not seek a way against them. Indeed, it is God Ali, the Great, 34} Surah An-Nisa
And God Almighty says: “O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are harsh and severe angels who do not disobey God He commanded them and they do what they are commanded (Surat Al-Tahrim 6)
Ibn Kathir said:
Qatada said: You command them to obey God, and forbid them from disobeying God, and you enforce God’s command over them, command them to do it, and help them in it. So if you see a disobedience to God, you abstain from it (restrain them) and repel them from it.
Thus, Al-Dahhak and Muqatil said: A Muslim has a right to inform his family, including his female relatives, female slaves, and male slaves, about what God has imposed on them and what God has forbidden them.
“Tafsir Ibn Kathir” (4/392).

6- The wife’s service to her husband
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: It is obligatory to serve her husband in a reasonable manner, from one like her to another, and this varies with the diversity of circumstances. Serving a Bedouin woman is not the same as serving a village woman, and serving a strong woman is not like serving a weak woman. “The Great Fatwas” (4/561).
The right of amendment cannot be granted
The wife has good relations with her husband
This is according to what God Almighty says: “O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are harsh and severe angels who do not disobey God.” Whatever He commanded them, and they do what they are commanded. (6) Surat Al-Tahrim.
8- To protect him, his money, and his family.
9- To keep his secrets
She should not expose him and do not complain a lot to her family or his family if the situation becomes difficult for her and her life becomes difficult and its causes: Among the most important marital rights that the wife must not neglect are:
(((She should keep all the husband’s secrets that she knows, so she should not divulge any of them or tell them to anyone, even if he is one of her parents, her relatives, or her husband’s relatives)))
This is what women do not do in this time except those whom God has mercy on, and they are few of them.
Her family or his family should not complain a lot about their living conditions if they are distressed or difficult, or if they are short on spending due to their lack of financial income, because the woman is the husband’s home, his clothing, his secret box, and his personal advisor in many matters that he hides from all people.
The Almighty said:﴿ I will come to you for the night of the fasting. You are, then they will share with them and seek what God has written for you and eat and drink until it is clear to you the father of the righteous from the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the night, and do not associate with them while you are secluded in the mosques. Those are the limits of God, so do not approach them. Thus God makes His signs clear to the people that they may beware. 187
souret elbakara..
She is his life partner, created for him by the Almighty God himself, so that she can live with him in both the good and the bitter. The Almighty said: “And among His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you may find tranquility in them, and He has placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed, in that “For signs for a people who reflect.” Surah Al-Rum 21

This is a set of rights that a wife has over his wife, extracted from the Qur’an and Sunnah:
This is a set of rights that a wife has over his wife, extracted from the Qur’an and Sunnah:

1 - The wife must preserve and protect her husband’s dignity in his absence and presence.
2 - That the wife preserves her husband’s honor and honor in his absence and presence.
3- The wife should take into account her husband’s money and not burden him with expenses.
4 - The wife must respect her husband’s family, preserve their dignity, and take care of them in the absence and presence of the husband.
5 - That the wife honors her husband in his presence and showers him with attention and care.
6- That the wife honors his remembrance and actions in his absence.
7- That the wife loves all the things that her husband loves.
That the wife hates the things, things and actions that her husband hates.
9- To pay attention to his details and the things that are valuable to him.
10- To divert her mind and thoughts from the things that her husband diverts his attention from.
11 - That the wife gets angry at everything that makes him angry.
12 - That the wife is satisfied with all the things that please her husband.
13- That the wife sees every little bit as a lot.
14 - The wife should thank her husband for everything and always.
15 - That the wife wakes up before her husband wakes up.
16 - That the wife sleeps after her husband sleeps.
The wife must be patient with the following matters that her husband does not know about.
18 - The wife should remain silent when her husband gets angry and revolts.
19- To be gentle and kind when her husband is cruel.
20 - The wife should not rebel against her husband.
21 - The wife should be happy when her husband is happy and sad when he is sad.
22 - That she obeys him in what he commands her and prohibits her, for he is the guardian of her.
23 - To enable him to enjoy herself and enter into her.
24 - The wife should not impose her opinions on her husband.
25- Do not criticize his actions, deeds and words.
26 - The wife should treat her husband well and have good morals.
27 - That the wife raises his value and esteem among her family and relatives.
28 - That the wife should never fault her husband for anything, even if it is true.
29 - The wife should console her husband in his misfortunes and problems.
30 - That the wife be fair to her husband if he complains about her and makes excuses for him.
31 - That the wife informs her husband of everything good and beautiful.
32 - That the wife hides everything ugly and bad from her husband.
33- To help him and stay up by his side during his illness and fatigue.
- To relieve him of his worries and sorrows.
35- To help him in his time of need.
36 - The wife should be easy on her husband in times of distress and distress.
37- To greet him when he enters the house.
38 - That the wife bid him farewell when he leaves the house.
39- To choose the best expressions and words to address him.
40- She should clean her house and take care of it as much as possible.
41 - To adorn herself for him and beautify herself for him.
42 - To organize her home, her time, and her life as much as possible.
43- To do everything good and good for him and in front of him.
44 - The wife should be light-hearted and gentle.
45 - That the wife shows her femininity and tenderness in front of him.
46 - The wife should show the subtlest signs and actions.
47 - The wife must also strive to fill her husband’s eyes and heart.
48 - To meet his bad deeds and cruelty with kindness, gentleness, and gentleness.
49 - That the wife pardon and forgive her husband’s sins and transgressions.
50 - That the wife accepts her husband’s apologies.
51- You must take his permission when leaving the house.
52 - The wife should take permission from him when praying or fasting voluntarily.
53 - That the wife should not enter the house of someone whose husband hates him or her.
54 - Maximizing his status among his neighbors.
55 - Do not fast voluntarily without his permission.
56- Not to laugh when he is crying.
57- Do not cry when he laughs.
Fifty-seven rights of the husband over his wife
I swear to God, if any wife fulfilled these rights to her husband, she would make her home a paradise of God’s paradise on earth
Islam has imposed on the wife many rights for her husband. She must obey God Almighty and fulfill her husband’s rights in order to obtain His pleasure, the Almighty. The husband’s right in Islam over his wife is great and great. The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said in his noble hadith: “If I commanded someone to prostrate to anyone. I commanded the wife to prostrate to her husband.”[4] In this noble hadith, the Messenger of God explained the great status of the husband in Islam, and the greatness of his right over his wife, so she was obligated to obey and fulfill these rights.
The virtue of a husband’s satisfaction with his wife:
The husband’s right over his wife is great and great, and the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - urged and commanded them to obey their husbands and fulfill their rights in full as much as they are able to do so, and one of the greatest inheritances that a woman will have in terms of obeying her husband and fulfilling his rights is her entry into Paradise on the Day of Resurrection, God Almighty willing. This has been proven in the honorable Sunnah of the Messenger of God, not to mention the husband’s love and affection that increases in his heart towards his wife, as well as the happiness, pleasure, and tranquility that descend upon this Muslim family. Obedience to God Almighty inherits every good thing and gives man what he wants, in this world and the hereafter. .
These rights are not impossible, difficult to achieve, or will not be achieved in our time.
I have married three women. One wife of the three fulfilled these rights and fulfilled all of them and more, and I swear to God for that. God bless her. Oh God, I am satisfied with her, so be pleased with her and bless her health and well-being and her children and grant her Paradise without judgment or precedent of punishment. Amen.
There are many good wives who do this with their husbands in our time, and I know many of them, may God bless them...
Therefore, every good wife can fulfill these rights and fulfill them for her husband, and they are not impossible.
God willing, I will explain in another article the wife’s rights over her husband in detail so that women will not be upset with us.
Oh God, fix Muslim wives, fix Muslim homes, fix Muslim daughters, and grant them righteous husbands, Amen....